When you think about where to donate unwanted belongings, your mind might go to The Salvation Army first. These eight organizations offer donation pickups. Start organizing, schedule a pickup date, and find out how easy it is to give new life to your unwanted items. To help make your life even easier, we’ve compiled the list below of eight charities that offer donation pickups right from your home, donation tips, and information about donating furniture, books and clothing. Using charities that offer donation pickup allows you to make a difference and save time - a win-win, in our book.
But of course, you’ve got a lot on your plate when you’re prepping for a move. The goal is to get rid of those things that, as the famous tidying-up author and Netflix star Marie Kondo would say, don’t “spark joy” in your life instead of just lugging them with you to your new home. If you’ve read our articles on packing and planning, you know that we’re huge proponents of using your move as an opportunity to take inventory of what you own. Donating to charity is a great way to get rid of things you no longer want or need when moving.